Preventing ACEs - Strategy Approach
Strengthen economic supports to families
Strengthening household financial security
Family-friendly work policies
Promote social norms that protect against violence and adversity
Public education campaigns
Legislative approaches to reduce corporal punishment
Bystander approaches
Men and boys as allies in prevention
Ensure a strong start for children
Early childhood home visitation
High-quality child care
Preschool enrichment with family engagement
Teach skills
Social-emotional learning
Safe dating and healthy relationship skill programs
Parenting skills and family relationship approaches
Connect youth to caring adults and activities
Mentoring programs
After-school programs
Intervene to lessen immediate and long-term harms
Enhanced primary care
Victim-centered services
Treatment to lessen the harms of ACEs
Treatment to prevent problem behavior and future involvement in violence
Family-centered treatment for substance use disorders
Raising awareness of ACEs can help:
Change how people think about the causes of ACEs and who could help prevent them.
Shift the focus from individual responsibility to community solutions.
Reduce stigma around seeking help with parenting challenges or for substance misuse, depression, or suicidal thoughts.
Promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments where children live, learn, and play.
Let’s help all children reach their full potential and create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.